26 Mar Blog English, Environmental news, Garbage Sorting, Uncategorized How does Grac help reduce waste output? 26/03/2024 By Trọng Minh Grac has developed a comprehensive approach to reducing waste output, primarily through its software and app. Here’s how: ...Continue reading
06 Feb Blog English, Environmental news, Garbage Sorting, Uncategorized How to grac approach local government to carry out 06/02/2024 By Trọng Minh GRAC Vietnam approaches local governments to carry out their digital transformation in waste management in several ways: P...Continue reading
06 Feb Blog English, Environmental news, Garbage Sorting, Uncategorized Digital transformation in waste management brings several benefits 06/02/2024 By Trọng Minh Digital transformation in waste management brings several benefits: Improved Data Collection and Analysis: Digital technol...Continue reading
30 Jan Blog English, Environmental news, Garbage Sorting, Uncategorized QUALITY – ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY 30/01/2024 By Trọng Minh QUALITY - ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY The sustainable development policy of Grac Technology Joint Stock Company is to maintain a quality and ...Continue reading
24 Nov Environmental news, Garbage Sorting Grac is contributing to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in Vietnam 25/11/2023 By Trọng Minh Grac is contributing to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in Vietnam In Vietnam, solid waste disposal on land contributes to...Continue reading
06 Mar Garbage Sorting DAILY HAZARDOUS WASTE 06/03/2023 By Trọng Minh Any human activity also causes a significant amount of waste, if not treated, will have a serious impact on the environment. Life is g...Continue reading
01 Mar Garbage Sorting Garbage sorting guidelines 02/03/2023 By Trọng Minh Because segregation is minimally important to this country. So let's Live Greener to find out why Koreans attach so much importance to ...Continue reading